When a baby dies
Nothing can ever be the same again
You lose a huge part of yourself
You lose the idea that bad things
Terrible things
Only happen to other people
When you have lived through the horror of SIDS
Your greatest fear is that it will happen again
You do everything in your power
To prevent that from becoming
Even a remote possibility
You obsess about everything linked to the safety of your baby
You become anxious about everything to do with sleep
I hate checking on my children at night
It terrifies me
And I am scared of the dark
I cannot put my babies down
And when I do
I watch them
Like a hawk!
When Bea was born
We were so incredibly happy
But also very nervous about bringing her home
We stayed a night in hospital
So that in the morning
We could go to NICU
For special CPR training
And to be given an apnoea monitor for home
We used it in the hospital and for the first few nights at home
It was huge and heavy
Soon the wires became a hindrance
And the tape used to hold the monitor in place was marking baby’s skin
We decided to buy a Snuza Hero monitor that clipped onto Bea’s nappy
It gently monitored her breathing
It flashed a small light with each movement which was very reassuring especially while she was sleeping
We used the monitor day and night but we also never left her alone
I am certain she had the most watched diaphragm of any newborn baby
Until Edie came along
With Edie we were sent a Snuza Hero MD to review
The Snuza Hero MD is a portable wearable device from Snuza
The monitor is designed to give parents reassurance and peace of mind
Attaching to baby’s nappy it monitors baby’s breathing
Detecting the slightest of breaths it will alert you if breathing is weak or less than eight breaths per minute
If no breathing is detected for 15 seconds it will vibrate in an effort to rouse your baby to resume breathing
In the event of no breathing for 20 seconds an audible alarm will sound to alert you
The Snuza Monitors are suitable from birth
They clip onto your baby’s nappy
Our babies have never seemed to notice having them on
They do not mark or irritate baby’s skin
The Snuza is super sensitive
Detecting the slightest of breaths
There is an audible alarm after 20 seconds of no breathing
A vibration to alert your baby after 15 seconds of no breathing
The monitor has no cords or wires
It is super safe for snoozers
The Snuza is a comforting companion for anxious parents
We have been really pleased with both Snuza monitors
They have only given a few false alarms
And these have been due to us not attaching the monitor correctly
The Snuza monitors provide peace of mind
And allow David and I to get a little sleep
Please read the website for full details
For your little one
You can try to win one
Over on my Instagram feed
As part of the #matildamaegiveaway
I have given one of our monitors away now
To keep watch over another baby girl
A very special little girl
Due to be born very soon
I cannot recommend this monitor enough
I will be forever grateful for Snuza
And for our snoozers
The girls who lived!