Education and Well Being

As a new year begins

Many children are preparing for a return to school

And all are starting a new chapter in their education

This week we are completing some very informal assessments

As our home school year begins

I will be using these to make a plan

For our educational journey for the coming year

I know roughly what I need to be doing with my children

But I want to be sure that I am not leaving any gaps

We are following the curriculum fairly closely

As both Esther and William have expressed interest

In going to school for Key Stage 2

It is my responsibility now to ensure that they are ready

When the time comes

As a primary school teacher

I do enjoy assessing and planning

Creating learning opportunities and resources

And with my own children

It feels even more special

And I can adapt things to suit their individual

Passions (obsessions) and needs

One thing I am very aware of

Is making sure that my children

Are strong emotionally

I want to ensure they are confident

And resilient

Before they enter the world of school

Especially Esther

Who is so keen to learn

But finds things quite tricky

Particularly in comparison to William

Confidence, resilience

Emotional awareness and well being

These are all things that can impact greatly

On a child’s education

This is being recognised in schools more and more

Schools now teach children of all ages

As part of their PSHE program

About mental, physical and emotional well being

You can read some guidance here

And discover how we can help even our youngest children

Develop their emotional well being and resilience

We can support pupils in developing their resilience and emotional well being from an early age by incorporating key skills across the curriculum. There are a series of protective factors which can reduce the risk of pupils turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as self-harm,eating disorders or substance misuse, which can be developed through our PSHE education
curriculum. These protective factors include:
 good communication skills
 good problem-solving skills
 healthy coping skills, including healthy responses to moments of crisis
 the knowledge, skills and confidence to seek help
 the ability to recognise, name, describe and understand a range of emotions
 the ability to manage difficult emotions in a healthy way
 friends and social engagement and interaction
 positive self-esteem and appreciation of difference and uniqueness
 experience of, and ability to manage, failure.
These protective factors can be addressed in a generic way, across the curriculum, from an early age. When we support younger learners to become better communicators or when we help them develop the skills of independent learning or help-seeking in any context, we are laying the foundations for better, healthier coping strategies and resilience as they work their way through school.

We can give our children

The skills and tools that they will need

As they work their way through life

One thing that is important to develop with our children

At school and at home

Is a Growth Mindset

Children (and adults!) with a growth mindset think very differently. They believe that they can get better at something by practising, so when they’re faced with a challenge, they become more and more determined to succeed, wanting to persevere and overcome knockbacks. They tend to feel as if they’re in control, and are not threatened by hard work or failure.

Although no one likes failing, children with a growth mindset do not let failure define them; instead, they use setbacks to motivate them. Children encouraged to adopt a growth mindset enjoy challenges and the sense of achievement they get when they succeed.

grow into your dreams

So, what can we do as parents

As partners in our children’s education

To help our little people

Develop self belief, emotional well being

Resilience and a growth mindset

Here are some ideas

Embrace Happy
Encourage your children to be thankful and to find the good in every day

Here is a lovely post about using a Gratitude Journal with children

Embrace Happy has more ideas of how you could record your gratitude moments with your little people


Challenge Children
Set your children goals

And set targets to help them achieve them

The challenges do not have to be too tricky

But hard enough that they have to be worked at to be reached

Taking on challenges

Reaching goals

These things help to build strong, happy, successful children

Who enjoy taking on new tests and learning new things


Celebrate Mistakes
Children need to know that it is okay to get things wrong

That mistakes are a huge part of learning

That losing a game makes you a better player

They need to know that it is okay to not be okay

The important thing is that you learn from your mistake

That you get back up and continue the fight

That you do not give up

That getting things right

Doing the right thing

Often requires commitment, determination, patience

And lots of trial and error


Emotional Intelligence

Help children to recognise and name

The emotions that they are feeling

Give them strategies for coping

With any strong emotions that they feel

beautiful tears

There are lots of ideas and resources

Available online

For helping children with their emotional well being

You could start your search here

There are lots of lovely ideas online

For building resilience in children of all ages

Featuring Star Wars and popular children’s picture books

Start your search here

There is a strong link

Between academic achievement

And well being in children

Not that your child will suddenly become a genius

But that they will be more likely to reach their personal potential

Whatever that might be

Has your child ever said to you ‘There’s no point, I’ll never be able to do it’ or avoided doing something because they’ve failed at it in the past?

Feelings like this can be related to what children believe about what makes them ‘good’ at something – whether it’s school work, sport, or even their ability to manage their emotions and behaviour.

Some children will tend to give up on challenging tasks easily, or avoid tasks they’ve failed at before. They tend to believe that being ‘good’ at a particular activity is a fixed state, and is something they can’t control.

If you feel that you are not able to help your child enough

Perhaps you do not have the time, knowledge or resources

There are people who can help you in school

And through local children’s centres

People who are trained and can help you to help your children

Become self assured, confident, resilient, human beings

Giving them the well being they need

To be well and do well

In and out of school

You could also consider home tuition


Using a professional tutor

Such as one of the many available through Fleet Tutors

Someone who would spend one to one time with your child

Building their confidence n one or more academic subjects

But also giving them strategies for learning

Study skills

Revision routines

Hints and tips

Someone who can teach the skills needed to unlock potential

And scale new heights

Someone who can help your child learn from mistakes

Tackle their challenges

And reach their goals

Whatever they may be

As parents we want our children to be happy

We want them to believe in themselves

And be the best version of themselves that they can be

Emotional Intelligence

Well being


Self confidence

And perhaps most importantly a Growth Mindset

Will help them be all we want them to be

And more

And it will help our children

To grow up happy in their own skin

Confident about what they want

And who they are

Knowing that everyone makes mistakes

And that sometimes it really is okay

To not be okay

This is a collaborative post

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