A note to myself
After a testing few days of William
Not just a boy
But a boy like Daddy
A brave adventurer
A courageous explorer
A strong athlete
A plotter
A planner
A hard worker
A finder
A keeper
A treasure seeker
Not just a boy
So much more than a boy
A boy just like his Daddy
Running through the mud puddles
chasing dragon flies
digging in the dirt
making sister cry.
Trucks and cars and lots of noise
collecting all those bugs
hiding treasures in a box
giving sister hugs.
Oh what fun he always has
laughing with such joy
and the pride he brings to us
it’s great to be a boy!Author: unknown
Even after the toughest of days
I would not really want either of my boys
Any other way
ah yes , boys we as mothers have to celebrate their difference but some days they are exhausting right!