Some days more than others I really miss earning my own money
When David and I decided to have children
I also decided that I wanted to be a stay at home mum
It has been without doubt the hardest thing I have ever done
And I am not sure I am really that good at it
I want to be
I want to be a wonderful warm and welcoming mummy
I want my children to trust me
I want to create a home they feel safe and welcome in
I want them to always want to come home
I want to teach them, play with them, listen to them
Learn with and from them
I want to give them courage and confidence
To be themselves and challenge the world
Knowing they can always come home and I will be waiting
We will be waiting
Their Daddy and I
David and I
For I know he feels the same
Since Esther and William started school in September
I have realised that though I adore being a mummy
I miss being a teacher
I think I am a much better teacher than I am a mummy
Every day I had concerns and questions about Esther and William and school
Knowing if it were my school, my classroom, how things would be done
I have an itch to get back into schools
To make a real difference to young people’s lives
To do the thing I know that I am good at
Outstandingly good at!
But I have made a commitment to my children
And I hope to have one more baby yet
When our youngest child goes to school
Then I will be ready to think about a return to work
A return to the profession I love
I have always thought I would wait til all our children were at secondary school
Before having a class of my own
Now I think I will start a slow return as soon as they are all in full time education
I think it will be good for me and in turn them
And it will bring more money into the family pot
Money for day to day living
Money for treats and holidays
Home improvements
College funds
I want to provide for my children financially too
At the moment I am not able to do that as I do not work
And I am happy with that
Most of the time
But I am also looking forward to the days
When I will again have money that is mine
That I have earned
I am looking forward to taking some of the pressure off David
In future years
To allow him to concentrate on doing the clever things he enjoys
Rather than the mundane things that make the most money
I do not have a great financial history
I was foolish when I was younger
Then taken for a fool when less young
Before I met and married David
Being taken for a fool
Has left me financially compromised
Something that will need to be sorted
Before David and I would ever consider having any joint bank accounts
Any joint financial ventures
But one day we will
I hope
I hope that we will have joint accounts for each of our children
Where we can put money for each of them
Including Matilda Mae
For University, their first home, first business
Whatever help they might need
Matilda Mae’s fund
Will be a safety fund
An emergency fund
In case anything goes wrong
Through us she will truly be her siblings guardian angel
We will also have a joint account for ourselves
A pot of money that we each contribute to
With agreed together goals
Dreams we want to make come true
The large extension to the back of our house
The natural swimming pool in the garden
Travelling the far flung corners of the world
Building a home on our land for family in the future
Should they need it
A classroom in a forest
A house by the sea

The Local Beach
I think one of us will always pay the lion’s share of the practical things
At the moment that is David
I think that is how we will always work
One of us will be responsible for the day to day
And together we will reach for our dreams
Together we will make sure our family are provided for
We will join together in providing for our family
And making sure that they have everything that they need
That is what parenting means to me
Being there
No matter what
Supporting as much as we can
Without intruding
Making sure our children know our home is always their home
And that whenever they need us
We will only ever be a phone call away
And that through us
Matilda Mae will be their guardian angel for always
This post was written in collaboration with TSB