Our beautiful Baby Bea will soon be 8 months old
I have not written much about her on the blog
It has felt like a betrayal
Matilda Mae was my blog baby
So Bea could never be
Instead her beautiful smile
Has lit up my Instagram feed
And sparkled on my social media pages
Today though I want to tell you about Bea
Our rainbow baby
Our bringer of joy and hope
Bea burst into the world back in August
And she has been keen to make her mark ever since that
Bea was induced as a scan showed she was failing to thrive
I think my 98th centile baby demonstrates
Sometimes sonographers and obstetricians do get it wrong!
9lb 1oz and no facial hair
Bea looked like Moon Face when she was born
The weeks and months zoomed past
Sped by at what seemed
Still seems
An unnatural speed
And now we are almost 8 months along
Our journey with Baby Bea
On New Years Day 2015 Bea sat up
Aged 5 months and 25 days
She sat up
She was crawling very soon after that
A little after 6 months
And now at nearly 8 months
She can crawl at speed around the house
She has lots and lots of sounds
And chatters all the time
To anyone or anything who will listen
From before 7 months she has been pulling herself up to standing
And she can now cruise the room
She is absolutely always on the move
And more often than not she is smiling
She has the most amazing smile
Rather like her little big sister in the sky
Baby Bea is very much like Matilda Mae
Not exactly the same
But definitely similar in many ways
She is more vocal
More mobile
But they do share that magical smile
The ability to hold court in any room
And an obvious thirst for life
Bea has beautiful dark eyes
Framed with thickest eyelashes
She loves being talked to
She loves listening to singing
She adores Big Bug Band on Baby TV
And we have just introduced Twinkle Twinkle
To our bedtime routine
She is enjoying snippets of In The Night Garden
And loves loves loves to leaf through books
We started weaning bang on six months
Slow and steady is our pace
Bea loves cucumber and rice cakes
Ella’s Kitchen pouches
Crumpets, melon and hot cross buns
Bea loves sitting with us at the table
And finds her twin siblings very funny
Bea is actually very funny herself
Her strong, cheeky personality
Definitely shines through
She is a very loving baby
She likes to keep me close
But shakes with excitement whenever her Daddy enters a room
Esther and William adore her
I love watching the three of them play
But the gap is always clear to me
Where Baby Tilda
Toddler Tilda
Should be
Bea and I have had some lovely time together
With Esther and William being at school
We have fallen into a gentle routine
Bea wakes up around 6.30am
7.30 now, thank you clocks!
She has an hour with Daddy
Until the rest of us get up
We all have breakfast together
Then by 9.30, now 10.30
Bea is ready to sleep
She naps for around an hour
Before waking for a play
And lunch around 12
She then sleeps again around 1.30
Now 2.30
For about another hour
She is then awake until bath time
Which now falls at 6pm
After bath she feeds to sleep
And will often sleep right through the night
But sometimes wakes for an hour or so mid evening
It is a very relaxed routine
Bea has all her sleep in my arms
Because of that she sleeps well
And she always wakes with a smile
Bea has a few party tricks
She is very good at clapping and waving
She likes to put her hands on her head
She has amazing fine motor skills!
She can pick up specks of dirt from the floor
I think this also indicates that she has incredibly good eye sight
Bea is incredibly cute
She tips her head to one side when she meets people
She loves cuddles and snuggling up
I love the way she searches for me to feed when she is sleeping
How she strokes me as she feeds
She is a great big cuddly baby
With rolls and rolls of glorious fat
She still does not have much hair
And when wearing a dress can look like a boy
She suits bright colours
And bold patterns
I try not to dress her always
In pink and purple and stars
These past almost 8 months have been wonderful
They have been emotional and exhausting
I am riddled with guilt every day
For my baby who did not get to live
And crippled with fear
That this baby may still die
Nothing is ever easy
No day straightforward
But Bea is living up to her name
She brings us joy
She is a beautiful blessing
And in her
Her love for us and ours for her
There is hope
She is hope
She is beautiful Beatrice Hope
Aww! She is absolutely beautiful!
Her smile is just adorable!
Wonderful post, she seems like such a lovely baby-it’s hard work when they are on the move so quickly and with such ease isn’t it (my two were similar) yet at the same time you can’t help but watch is fascination! I can really see you in her in that first photo xx
All of you children are beautiful ,just like their mummy and daddy .
And I miss seeing you all,in the mornings and afternoon.
The months will go quickly ,and September will be here,
Then I will see Ester and William in school again .
When mummy is. helping out in school.i can have some cuddles with Bea
You have a wonderful, beautiful little girl there.
Adore this post Jennie. What a beauty Bea is!
Ahhhh what a lovely post…and she is just adorrrraaable!!!
She is such a beauty. I remember when she was born and reading your birth story. I also had an early induction as they thought my son was failing to grow and would be a small baby , he weighed 8lb6 at 39 weeks and is huge now. Bea is such a clever little girl and is much more mobile then my baby Jacob . This is such a lovely post all about your beautiful baby bea xx