Plastic Egg Project: Toppling Towers

Today’s ‘egg’tivity was a challenge

Can you build a tall tall tower without a topple?


Esther and William were both keen to take up the challenge

Esther carefully started placing egg halves one on top of the other

She did not notice if they were tops or bottoms to begin with


William soon realised that egg tops were better for stacking than egg bottoms

The shape of the end and the depth of each cup

Made stacking easier and towers less likely to topple

With this piece of information Esther set to work

Stacking egg tops

Keeping one egg bottom to use as the top of her tower


She managed 17 halves and a bottom top in her tallest tower

William was not so considered or careful

His knowledge and skills were better than Esther’s but he was having too much fun

To beat the height of her toppleless tower


He did make some towers though

And was as happy knocking them down as he was building them up


A lovely after school invitation to play

That we are going to extend

By making it active and competitive tomorrow

I hope you will come back and join us and our Hobbycraft eggs then

topple tower

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