The Hills Are Alive!

David and I have started 2015 as we mean to go on

Eating a healthier diet

Getting outside more to exercise

jennie and dave aug 08 103

David and I love walking

Before children we used to do lots of long walks together

And we still walked, with the double buggy, after Esther and William were born

Since Tilda died we have not really done that much of anything

Actually David has run a marathon

But we have not done anything together

The snatched hours we have spent walking

Since the year began

Are really doing us good

Because not only are we outside and walking

We are talking too

Really really talking

And it is good


Esther and William are just at an age and size now

Where they have the stamina for doing longer walks themselves


We are lucky enough to live in a tiny village in rural Kent

Surrounded by rolling hills and open countryside

Perfect for adventure and exploring

Whatever the weather


We have had a lot of rain recently so much of the land is sodden

The footpaths are like swamps in places

Esther and William love to stomp and splash in muddy puddles

Though this weekend was all about cracking and crunching the ice


Bea comes out with us too

Either David or I will wear her using our Manduca carrier

It turns a leisurely stroll into a workout for me

Carrying 20lbs of Bea!


Bea usually sleeps for part of the walk

But when awake it is clear that she loves being outside

She is alert, looking around and taking it all in

It is a great feeling getting outside

The hills are alive!

happy sticks

Even if we are reluctant to go at first

We never ever regret getting out

Watching Esther poke the puddles with her stick

Our curious investigator

Seeing William run down the hills

Charging with giant sticks

Our little bundle of energy released to the elements

on the run

And being outside makes me feel closer to Tilda too

Being beneath her brilliant skies

The hills are alive

With colour in my cheeks

Mud on my boots

And wind in my hair

I feel alive!

baby fit

5 thoughts on “The Hills Are Alive!

  1. Invigorating! Janet Street-Porter recently wrote an article in the Daily Mail about the healing powers of walking. Would be worth a read but essentially confirms all that you talk about in this blog.

  2. I have a fair walk for the school run and some days it can be a chore but actually it often makes me feel so much better. It’s amazing what a bit of fresh air does for the soul. I’d like to go out for more walks at the weekends, we always seem so busy doing things that cost us money I just need to work on the hubby! Great photos, love that last one too x

  3. Hello Jennie, I’ve read a lot about your blog so I thought I’d say hi. Lovely pictures, it looked like the perfect day for a family walk. I love walking, especially in the Lake District. I always feel calmer and less anxious when I’ve been out walking. in the countryside. You must have some muscles carrying Bea in your carrier!

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