Fisher Price Kick and Play Piano Gym: A Review

We are a Fisher Price family

We have not been chosen for anything

We chose Fisher Price

One of the first baby items that we bought

For Esther and William

Shared by Baby Tilda

Was a Fisher Price Take Along Swing

Esther, William and Tilda

Also all shared a Fisher Rainforest Gym

That they all adored

fp tilda

And a bouncy chair

And our much used, much loved Newborn to Toddler Rockers

fp tilda 2

I have spoken before on the blog

About our love for Fisher Price

And am so pleased that Bea has now been given the chance

To start a Fisher Price collection of her own

I know that this is a brand that will help our daughter

To discover her own way

For the last two weeks Baby Bea has been testing a Fisher Price Baby Gym Mat

The rather fabulous Kick and Play Piano Gym

Bea is only a month old so she is very new to the world

We started using the gym two weeks ago

I would lay her on the mat and she would have a kick and a play

Her eyes were drawn to the black and white zebra toy

She has now started trying to touch this toy

As well as look at it

Which makes my heart swell with pride

My little girl is growing

And starting to explore the world around her

The Kick and Play Gym Mat from Fisher Price


Is suitable for babies from birth

It has four different modes

So is truly a toy that grows with your little one

So far we have only used the first mode

I lay Bea on her back

And let her feet kick against the piano

At the same time she stares at the toys hanging above her

And has just started trying to reach for them

With her jerky arms and chubby hands trying to bat the toys

She is always a little startled when she manages to make contact

I give her lots of praise as do Esther and William

Baby Bea is very rarely left to play alone!


Esther and William love their baby sister

And they love the piano on her gym!

The piano can be removed from the gym

And often is and carried off by Baby Bea’s ever helpful siblings!

The music on the piano gym is great

It has different settings of single sounds or

Pieces of music that are recognisable tunes

The music can play continuously or just when the piano is touched or kicked

There is also a handy volume control!


The gym is jungle themed

Filled with bright colours and friendly characters

The crinkly black and white zebra

Perfect for newborn eyes to find and focus on

The elephant clackers, hippo teether

And the rather fantastic rollerball frog


The gym has a cushioned play mat

That is comfortable for baby to lay and play on

The mat can be machine washed

Which has already proved useful

With mucky, germy older siblings

I am looking forward to watching Bea get to grips with her Fisher Price gym

I cannot wait til she starts smiling and babbling at the colourful creatures

I am excited about seeing her develop more head control

And start to use the tummy time mode more

I can’t wait to see our Rainbow Baby discover herself in the sunshine mirror

I hope to one day see Bea grin at me as she sits up playing her piano

The Kick and Play Piano Gym

Has been the perfect first step into the world of play things

I am certain that it will continue to be a favourite in our house

For years to come

As our children continue to discover their way

Their world

We were sent one Fisher Price Kick and Play Gym for the purpose of this review

The Rainbow by Christina Rossetti


From Earth

Boats sail on the rivers,
And ships sail on the seas;
But clouds that sail across the sky
Are prettier than these.

There are bridges on the rivers,
As pretty as you please;
But the bow that bridges heaven,
And overtops the trees,
And builds a road from earth to sky,
Is prettier far than these.


To Sky