Baby Tilda’s Garden

When Baby Tilda died
Fell asleep and never woke
I thought my heart might turn to stone
Instead it burst and broke

Tiny jagged fragments
Spilled out across the earth
As I mourned the tiny baby
To whom I’d given birth

My heart was torn
My head in pain
I thought, still think
I’d never love again

I needed to channel energy
Into productive things
The funeral, cremation
Giving our baby her angel wings

None of that seemed enough
To show the world what it had lost
The day our beautiful daughter died
It did not show the cost

A world without Matilda
Is a darker one
Nothing tastes, or has meaning
Since Baby Tilda’s been gone

But this baby deserved some colour
She deserved the moon and sky
She deserved the love of all the world
That is a worse place because she died

And so we made her a garden
A place to flower and bloom
Pink and purple shoots and stars
A little breathing room

Her garden is a peaceful place
The flowers burst with scent
Everything grows strong and tall
It’s beauty seems heaven sent

Baby Tilda is our angel
She watches us from above
And we paint the earth with flowers
To make sure she sees our love.

Baby Tilda’s garden
A place of memory
Lilies, roses, daisies too
Her special cherry tree

It is a place of saddest love
A place that calls for peace
A garden at the heart of our family home
Where Baby Tilda will always be.

Losing a precious baby
Suddenly without being forewarned
I am not sure how you ever come back from that
How the night ever again sees dawn

A hole in your heart
Can never be filled
No matter how hard you try
Not even a garden
Can warm the chill
That is left when your baby dies.

8 thoughts on “Baby Tilda’s Garden

  1. What beautiful words and such a beautiful garden. I was absolutely stunned at how magnificent the garden is. Everything is growing so wonderfully, almost as though it has been sprinkled with magic!

  2. Pingback: Matilda Mae’s Memory Garden: 9 Months On | Edspire

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