Reasons to Be Cheerful 1 2 3

Today I am joining a Blog Hop – new terminology for me and an exciting idea.

This has been started by Mummy from the Heart and you can read more about her and the idea here

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

Mummy from the Heart is asking people to join with her to share what they are thankful for each week, things in their life that make them cheerful.

This is an idea from Positive Psychology that a friend of David’s introduced me to over a year ago when we were in the midst of IVF.  (Thank you Hannah x )

I thought before writing my reasons to be cheerful today I would look back in my diary to one year ago.

4th January 2010

As 2010 starts I have much to look forward to and this year I want to keep a positive outlook and have a happier peace of mind.  I am a generally sad, tired and grumpy individual but I don’t want to be that person anymore.

On 7th August 2010 I will become Jennie Henley and before then I want to make sure that I deserve to be that person and bear that name.

It is not going to be easy.  I am a worrier, I scare easily and I am a pessimist.

There is a lot to change!

To help with that I am going to use the Three Blessings Exercise as detailed below

Focus your attention, as you end your day, on three things that went well and why they went well.

Re-educate your attention toward the positive.

At the end of the day reflect on the things you are grateful for.

Gratitiude is the heart’s memory.

Today I slept in until just before 10am.  I then got up and took down the Christmas decorations, trying to restore normailty as we launch full throttle into 2010.

I start tutoring again today and I am waiting on a decision from Charing abou me carrying on working there because of the time I need off for IVF.  I hope that they will let me continue but I know that they must put the needs of the children first.

Today is Day 6 of the down regulating phase of our IVF cycle. 

Things I am Grateful For – 5th January 2010

Charing have agreed to keep me on as their 121 tutor whilst also allowing me time off for IVF

That I looked out of the window last night just as it was snowing

That Tessa’s family found me to be her tutor

That Facebook has enabled me to re-connect with my cousin, Paul

That Hannah introduced me to the idea of a gratitude journal and positiv psychology

That Facebook meant I could see my old friend Charlie’s Mexican/Mayan wedding photos

That the IVF injection went well today

That I have this lovely journal to write in

3 Blessings from Monday 11th January 2010

Had a good afternoon with Clare and Rohan

Made igloos and played in the snow with David

Started bleeding and so our new IVF cycle can begin

Things to be Thankful for – 31st March 2010

I am 11 weeks pregnant with twins

I am engaged to a wonderful man who is so good to me and for me

I am getting on really well with Clare

Back to 2011 and my reasons to be cheerful today, looking back on the past 7 days in particular

William can roll!

William is 23 weeks old on Saturday, 10 weeks corrected, and he has just started rolling from front to back.  He has done it 6 times so far and can almost roll back to front.  I am very grateful for this sign of his continuing physical development.  My lovely, funny, chatty little man!

Finding Networked Blogs and British Mummy Bloggers

After NICU I stopped having time or energy for writing and just as I decided I wanted to start again I found two supportive communities to help get me going.  This week I have written so much and found that I actually do have lots to say.  I am very open and honest in my writing and I find it very therapeutic and uplifting.  Starting to think I really will write that book one day!

Having such understanding and supportive family and friends

Thank you to everyone who is so patient with David and I about our healthily paranoid rules about visiting and holding our children.  We are doing everything we can to protect the from colds and flus and RSV.  It is proving to be a long and often lonely winter but we know we are doing the right thing and we are glad that are friends and family are helping us to not feel too bad about all the restrictions we have had to put in place. 

I have friends and family, who know who they are, that I can call on night and/or day and they will be there for me in an instant.  I want you to know that I am ever grateful and will always be there for you in return x

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