Les Miserables at The Marlowe Theatre

A few weeks ago

Esther and I went to see

Les Miserables

at The Marlowe Theatre

In Canterbury

This is a show that I have loved

My whole adult life

My friend and I used to listen to Les Mis

While getting ready to go out

On a Saturday night

When we were in Sixth Form

We used to watch the cast concert

And I had always wanted to see the show live

My first chance came in 2005

A pupil from the school where I was teaching

Was cast as Little Cosette in The West End

And we had a staff trip to see her perform

Esther’s love affair with Les Mis

Started from watching the BBC search for Dorothy

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Over The Rainbow

Which we watched on You Tube through Lockdown

Esther is a huge fan of Danielle Hope

Who won the show and went on to play Eponine in Les Mis

To be able to see this amazing musical

On tour at our local theatre

Was hugely exciting for Esther and I

I loved preparing Esther for the show

Going through the storyline

The history

The characters

And of course, all the wonderful muscial numbers

The show was amazing

I was one of the first to my feet

For a well deserved standing ovation at the end

It was a fantastic production

Of an incredibly moving show

It was a brilliant experience to share

With my eldest daughter

And I hope that we will go together

To see Les Mis again when we have the chance

Every member of the cast gave an outstanding performance

The ensemble numbers were breathtaking

And the staging was wonderful

The solo numbers were so powerful

Dean Chisnall as Jean Valjean

Was beautiful

An incredible voice that moved me deeply

Nic Greenshields as Javert

Was striking

A huge intense character

And what a voice!

Esther and I adored Siobhan O’Driscoll

As Eponine

She was fierce and vulnerable

Strong but fragile

She was perfect

I also have to mention the little boy

Who played Gavroche (on 4th October)

He was hugely talented and owned the stage

He made us laugh and smile

And he broke our hearts

A star of the future I am certain!

There are so many magical moments in this show

Esther and I loved the big ensemble numbers

At The End Of The Day

Look Down

Do You Hear The People Sing?

One Day More

These numbers cannot fail to stir you

To make you want to sing

Make you feel a part of something special

Then there are the more intimate solos

That pull you into the story

And make you feel with every part of your being

I Dreamed A Dream

On My Own

Bring Him Home

Empty Chairs At Empty Tables

Musical theatre at its absolute best

Les Miserables is a must see

It is on at The Marlowe

For four more days

See it if you can

You will not regret it

I am certain that you will be up on your feet

At the end of the show

And urging everyone you know

To see it too

Go and hear the people sing

They will fill your heart with love

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