Book Tour: Fake by Ele Fountain

I have been reading FAKE by Ele Fountain
A gripping adventure story
Set in the future
A digital age
When children are isolated until the age of 14
To keep them safe from disease and injury
As after a scarlet fever epidemic
Antibiotics no longer work to fight off infections
Antibiotic resistance means that until their immune systems are fully developed
All children learn online
All friends are virtual
And big tech companies control your access to food, medicines and other supplies

This book is an incredibly powerful and poignant read
Particularly as we have just lived through our own period
Of lockdowns, online learning and socialising through screens
Particularly as we continue to live through a global pandemic
And worries about disease control and medications a
Particularly as we see the impact of missing out on human contacts
For children and grown ups

This brilliant book can be a springboard for talking to children about
The impact of technology on our lives
How would we survive now if our online access was taken away?
What would life be like without the NHS?
Without access to the medicines and healthcare that we need?

There is also a wonderful opportunity to talk to children about
A world without books
One of my favourite scenes in the story is when Jess
Away at boarding school
Feels connected to her father through books
Books that he has kept and treasured
When most people no longer have books
Books that she has read over and over
Books that smell warm and familiar
And connect Jess with her father and home

Jess and her family are close
Jess’ little sister is poorly and relies on regular medicine
As Jess turns 14 she has to leave her family
And go to boarding school
She is also separated from a secret friend
One that she is not supposed to have
He too is off to boarding school
But a different one to Jess

When Jess arrives at her school
We find that she is a talented musician and composer
She is also a brilliant programmer and she uses her secret skills
As a hacker
Jess struggles to make friends at school
Most of the other children hate the ‘real’ world
But Jess begins to question the digital world
Perhaps it is not so ‘perfect’ after all

Back at home Chloe, Jess’ younger sister is becoming more poorly
And her life-saving medication is getting more expensive
Jess uses her hacking skills to try to help her family
But one mistake turns the world upside down
For Jess and her family

As the tale reaches its conclusion
Secrets are revealed
By Jess, her family and her new unexpected allies
As the story ended I found myself longing to know more
About this dystopian world
And about Jess, Chloe, Finn
And also about Violet and Mae

This is a tale of family and friendship
It is a story that while set in tomorrow
Shines a light on social issues that we are dealing with today
The problems that come with living in an age of networks, algorithms and screens
At the heart of this novel are likeable characters
Children that kids today can relate to
And ones that live through experiences we as teachers and parents
Worry about for our own children going forward
I could not stop reading this brilliant middle grade
Published by Pushkin Children’s Books

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