Grab That Rabbit!

Grab That Rabbit!

A garden adventure with Polly Faber and Briony May Smith promises to be one to remember

A mischievous bunny called Hodge is the the star of the story

A large white rabbit with one black spot and an appetite for carrots!

We meet Hodge stuck in the hedge after one too many carrots

Just as Mrs Sprat arrives at her vegetable patch to pull some carrots for her dinner

Mrs Sprat finds no carrots but she does spy “That rabbit!”

Removing her hat and rolling up her sleeves she pulls Hodge from the hedge

Only for him to be snatched by a large and hungry buzzard

We have lots of buzzards circling around our garden and local area

We have seen some very very close up over the last two years

So Edie immediately recognised the bird of prey

Edie was so relieved to see Hodge wriggle free but then so sad and worried when he was scooped up by Mrs Sprat

Next to a glorious picture of a perfect rabbit pie!

It looks like Hodge’s game is up

“Mrs Sprat sighs. Does she fancy rabbit pie?”

At this point a tearful Edie was saying over and over “No Mrs Sprat, no!”

It was very sweet and we all breathed a sigh of relief when we turned the page to see Hodge lodged on Mrs Sprat

And we all grinned our greatest grins at this wonderful happy ending

Because for a moment there we did think Rabbit pie was on the menu

This is a brilliant adventure with just enough peril to get Edie and Bea really hooked in to the fate of the bookish bunny

We very much enjoyed this brilliant story and the illustrations are wonderful

A story of kindness and forgiveness

A loveable cheeky bunny to fall in love with and a fantastic page-turning garden adventure

The perfect spring story for bunny loving bookworms

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