Book Tour: Return to FACTOPIA!

today is our stop on the book tour for Return to FACTOPIA

The awesome FACTOPIA series is brought to you by What On Earth Books

Written by Kate Hale and illustrated by Andy Smith

This vibrant eye-catching book is packed with facts

All information included has been verified by Encyclopedia Britannica

The book’s bright colourful design and wide range of topics has made this a must read in our house of bookworms

The book is filled with themed pages that link facts together in a long chain or information train

The creative design and presentation of this book combining drawings and photographs has been a huge hit with my 11 year old son

The whole book really appeals to his need for information, his slightly eccentric sense of humour and his love of the weird and whacky

This clever book grabs and holds readers attention

It is perfect for reluctant readers including my fiction loving daughters who rarely read non fiction

They have very much enjoyed dipping out in and out of Factopia these past few days

Return to FACTOPIA is a striking book that calls out ‘Read Me’ from the shelf

A book to dip into but also a fine feast for fact fiends to finish in one go

It suits the reading profile of our family perfectly

It is an information adventure book

A quest for truths!

Where in the world of Factopia will your curiosity take you?

Choose your own path through this amazing book of incredible information about the world around us and the universe beyond

Here are some of Willliam’s favourite facts:

Pink pearl apples have bright pink flesh
There is a man that can pull a double decker bus with his ears
There is a toilet shaped house in South Korea
A type of fungi that can take over the minds of ants turning them into zombies
Some faster humans could outrun a T-Rex
Tyrannosaurus Rex is a combination of the latin and Greek words for King of the Tyrant Lizards
The genetic makeup of a mushroom is closer to that of a human than a plant

Inviting, exciting, unique and inspiring

We think you ALL should follow the Factopia Trail of 400 facts

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