International Women’s Day 2022

As a mother of three daughters finding books that empower and inspire them is a passion.

I want my girls to grow up knowing that they can do anything, be anything.

I want them to know that they matter and that they are enough.

I want them to read real life stories of brave women who have worked hard to achieve their dreams and change the world.

I want them to read stories of girls who are kind, girls who are smart, girls who are imaginative, girls who are fierce and loyal and strong.

I want them to see themselves reflected in the books that they read.

I want my girls to look up to bright, intelligent, creative, caring females …

And I want my son to know them, read about them and look up to them too.

I want my children to know that boy or girl they are equal.

They can be anything they want to be and I will help them get there.

I want them to be comfortable with difference, know that we are all different and our similarities and differences make us who we are.

I want my girls and my son to know how hard women have fought in the past so that they can live the life they have now, have the opportunities that they have now.

We are so grateful to have shelves bursting with mighty girls.

I am so proud of all my children, they are incredible human beings.

I am incredibly proud of the breadth and depth of books that they read.

I am so grateful for the authors, illustrators and publishers who create the books that inspire and empower my daughters and my son.

My wonderful children are very much shaped by the books that they read.

Beautiful and brilliant books are a big part of who they are and who they are becoming.

On International Women’s Day and all days we must talk to our children, girls and boys, about equality, why it matters and why it cannot wait.

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