Blog Tour: Listified

If like me you love a list

And you have a curious little reader

Who wants to know ALL the answers

To ALL the questions

Then I have just the book for you

A wonder of a book

Filled with fascinating facts

To fill the most curious of questioneers

My William

Soon to turn 11

Loves facts

Loves data and numbers

Loves organising all of the above

And imparting his extensive nuggets of knowledge to others

In witty ways

This book has been a dream for him

And aside from meal times

And the odd game of football

We have hardly seen him

He has been lost in Listified

He went in as a very hungry caterpillar

And emerged as a fabulous fact filled butterfly

We highly and heartily recommend this book


From Britannia Books and What On Earth Books

Written by Andrew Pettie

With awesome illustrations by Andres Lozano

And don’t just take our word for it

Have a look at all the other review on the blog tour

We were sent one copy of the book in exchange for an honest review

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