Blog Tour: Raccoon and the Hot Air Balloon

Have you ever been in a hot air balloon?

Where we live we see lots of hot air balloons in season

We see them leave from Leeds Castle and Bodiam Castle

This weekend I discovered that my aunty’s sister is a hot air balloon pilot

As well as an aeroplane pilot

How amazing is that!

There is something incredibly romantic about hot air balloon flight

To ride in a hot air balloon would be an awfully big adventure

Raccoon is in search of adventure

She loves her life in the forest but she yearns for some excitement

She has a taste of adrenaline and flight when she rescues a baby eagle

And returns the chick to it’s nest

Raccoon is full of awe and admiration for the enormous mother eagle

How Raccoon wishes that she could fly like that

Raccoon is woken from her sleep by a roaring sound

A hot air balloon has landed in a nearby field

Raccoon senses adventure

She climbs aboard the basket

Nibbles through the rope and shoots up to the sky in the hot air balloon

She is flying!

At first it is wonderful, adventure at last until Raccoon realises she cannot bring the balloon down

The mother eagle comes to her rescue with the help of all the other birds from the forest

Together they bring Raccoon back down to earth with a bump

While she is happy to be home she is soon ready for another adventure

What will Raccoon’s next adventure be?

This is a lovely book about being careful what you wish for

Being prepared for adventures

Courage and friendship

This is a story that shows one good turn deserves another and we are stronger together

This book would be wonderful in a KS1 classroom where children could draw pictures

Or write descriptions of what they would like to see from a hot air balloon

They could design their own balloons

Choose who they would like to have a balloon ride with

It would also be wonderful for children to draw or write the story of Raccoon’s river adventure

We have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and sharing in Raccoon’s adventure

We loved making predictions as to how the balloon would come down and where it might land

So much potential for bookish learning and play with this brilliant new story

Raccoon and the Hot Air Balloon

From Maverick Books

We were given one copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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