Blog Tour: The Three Impossibles

Today is our turn on the blog tour for

The Three Impossibles

Written by Susie Bower

And published by Pushkin Press

We have not yet read the book

So today I am putting it on your radar

Because it sounds amazing

We want to read this book because

We love a mystery story

We love books with strong female characters

We are always looking for our next adventure

We want to meet the mythical creatures

We are intrigued by ‘The Day of the Catastrophic Curse’

My son wants to know more about the alchemy!

It sounds like a fantastic read

With something for everyone

We cannot wait to get stuck in

So do watch out next week

When I will be back to share our review with you

Here is the blurb for The Three Impossibles

Mim grew up surrounded by secrets. On the day she was born, her mother died and a mysterious curse was cast on her family. Ever since, she’s been isolated in a walled castle, forbidden from venturing to the Outside.

But Mim has never been able to stop asking questions – and when her father enlists the suspicious Madame Marionette to train her in the art of being a princess, her curiosity only gets more intense.

Determined to understand, Mim sets out on an epic adventure in which she will break all the rules, encounter strange creatures and use all her cunning to solve impossible problems. But will it be enough to bring happiness back to the lonely castle on the rock?

While you are waiting to read our thoughts

On this new book from Susie Bower

I urge you to follow the rest of blog tour

To see what others have made of this wonderful new book

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