Lost In The Noise

I am not entirely sure how it has happened

A combination I think

Of fertility treatment

Almost dying while pregnant with the twins

The twins being born prematurely

Tilda dying

Lockdown isolation

And global pandeimc fatigue

Somehow over the last 11 years I have lost myself

I have forgotten who I am

I carry a lot of guilt around with me every day

Guilt for not being able to get pregnant

Guilt for not being able to stay pregnant

Guilt for almost dying and putting David through hell

Guilt for not carrying the twins to term

Guilt for their difficulties that are most likely a direct consequence of the above

Guilt for struggling with my mental health

Guilt for my baby dying

Guilt for grieving too much

Guilt for not grieving enough

Guilt for feeling sad

Guilt for feeling angry

Guilt for lost friendships

Guilt for damaged family relationships

Guilt for protecting my children by keeping them locked down

For longer than most have stayed locked down

I feel guilty for being alive

I feel guilty for not doing enough for others

In amongst all of this guilt

I have lost me

I have lost my confidence

My enthusiasm for anything

My belief in my ability to do anything

I have become a slither of my former self

And I don’t know how to find myself again

I feel like I do not belong anywhere

Like I am not needed

Not needed

Last night it really hit me that I do not want my children to grow up with this shadow of me

I want them to know the me that I was

A bright confident woman

An educated woman with a first class honours degree in education

A kind woman with purpose and drive

A creative woman with ideas

What happened to her?

I liked her

And I think that my children would to

I wish that I knew how to find her

Before she is lost forever

I want to be a strong positive role model for my children

My daughters in particular

Not someone who gets Daddy to do everything

Someone who is scared of everyone and everything

Someone who thinks she is not good enough to matter

Someone who has lost all sense of self esteem

I need to find the person I am

To make myself the very best mother I can be

And the best human being I can be

I wish that I knew how to start

4 thoughts on “Lost In The Noise

  1. Start by reading your amazing posts of what you do for all your children. Try to see yourself as others see you, i.e., those of us who have followed your blog for 9 or 10 years. The activities you put on for your children as part of your home educating journey are exceptional and I suspect there are many mothers out here who are continually impressed by, possibly even envious of, all you are able to do for them because of the wonderful educator you are. Whilst you describe the many many reasons you feel guilty, try to see the positives in all the things you do.
    I know you will say it is easy for me to say, and indeed it is, but I am sure many others will agree with me: you have suffered so much but you have achieved so much in spite of all this.
    Finally, never underestimate the effect of COVID times. Many people have kept themselves locked away. None of us will be unchanged by the past 15 months. However, your children have had some wonderful enriching experiences in the natural environment that will live with them forever. Yes, they won’t know the ‘old’ you but they certainly know the current you and all that you offer them… and I’m sure they all love you unconditionally.

  2. Motherhood is spelled wrongly, it is spelled guilt.
    Guilt is spelled wrongly, it is spelled fear
    Fear is spelled wrongly it is spelled motherhood.
    We spend all our maternal lives thinking we haven’t done it right, when in fact as long as we haven’t neglected our children we have done ok. You are a wonderful, creative, energetic woman who has had more than her fair share of shit to deal with.
    Your children may not recognise it now, but when they become young adults and are comparing their childhood with that of their peers, it is those peers who will turn to their parents and say ‘why didn’t we do more of xyz’ it won’t be your children.
    It is only now I am in my sixties that I am rediscovering my creative side, it lay dormant for such a long time. Be patient, your time in the sun is coming, but start by taking small steps, encourage yourself to be brave just as you would a child. Be kind to yourself. Hugs xx

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