Book Review: Panda At The Door

You know that your day is going to be filled with fun

When you find a panda at your door

With a book

That opens with a line from a song

From Mary Poppins!

Today has been all about Pudding the Panda

And her fantastically funny story

Panda At The Door

Pudding the Panda arrived before breakfast

She joined us for some early morning reading

And a cup of tea

She then helped Bea with her maths

“Pudding wants to help a child who needs her.”

After work was finished for the day

The children took Pudding outside to make daisy chains

And swing on a swing

Throughout the day she shared her amazing adventure with us

And now we are sharing it with you!

Panda At The Door

It is practically perfect in every way

We were sent a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review

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