Book Review: How To Be Me

Parenting after the loss of a child

Is almost impossible at times

Parenting after the loss of a partner

Must be just as difficult if not more

Sometimes when someone dies

Communication fails

People get lost within themselves

Sometimes it is all you can do in a day to remember to breathe

In How To Be Me

Cath Howe has illustrated the pain of grief

The unintentional pain that can be caused as we grieve

And stop talking

She shows the secondary losses that a significant death can bring

To a family

And she gives us all hope

That hurts can heal

Joy can be found

And communication lines can open again

This is a really deep book yet its power

Is that it is written with a light touch

It is written with heart

It is perfectly aimed at its target middle grade audience

And I think will be a hugely helpful book for grieving families

And for tweens and teens facing change

And the challenges of trying new things and making new friends

It is brilliant

Here are some more of my thoughts on

Cathy Howe’s How To Be Me

If you like the sound of this book as a resource for school there are some wonderful resources to download from Cath’s website.

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