Book Review: Hom

When an author you have admired for years

Collaborates with an illustrator who has recently stolen your heart

You know without doubt that you are going to love their story

You know without doubt that you are going to love Hom

And we do

All of us

Aged almost 4 to 44

We all love Hom!

The book begins with a whisper

Direct from the boy in the story to the reader

A secret whisper

That draws you in to this magnificent tale of friendship

This is a story of courage and adventure

A testament to the power of kindness and friendship

A celebration of relationships that transcend borders, culture and language

The young boy tells us his story

How he met Hom after he found himself washed up on a deserted family

After the shipwreck

He found Hom and Hom found him

They found each other

They had never seen anything like each other before

The glorious illustrations share the affectionate story

Of Hom and him getting to know one another

Comparing their differences and celebrating all the ways they are the same

They are much more alike than they are different

They have both lost their families

They miss their families

Miss them beyond words

Hom has drawn his family on the wall of the cave where he lives

The boy does the same

Hom and him bond over their love for their families

One of my favourite moments in the story

Is when the boy sends his family a message in a bottle

To let them know that he is safe

And Hom hugs him

In empathy, understanding and love

There are so many incredibly beautiful moments throughout this story

As Hom and him become friends

Hom teaches the boy how to survive on the island

He shares his knowledge and skills

The boy does the same teaching Hom about fire

And toys … with wheels

The picture of Hom fascinated by the wheels on a toy car is perfection

It reminds me so much of my William as a wheel obsessed toddler

The wheel exploration leads to Hom and him building a go-cart together

Their very own wonky wheeled wonder

And their faces as they race down the hill together are delightful

The children and I all shout ‘Wheeeeeeeee!’ when we read this page

This illustration captures the magic of childhood

And how that magic is amplified when experienced with a sibling or friend

So much joy in one picture

Books really are magic!

The bond between the two friends is strong

And when a rescue ship appears on the horizon

The boy knows what to do

He hides with Hom until the sailors sail away

He does not want Hom to be discovered

To be captured

To be examined and investigated

To be hurt

The boy wants his friend to be free

And he makes a huge sacrifice to protect his friend

Hom, the last of his kind

The boy does not know what kind of creature Hom is

But it does not matter

He does not need to know

He just knows that he is happy and peace-loving and free

And the boy knows that he is his friend

His best friend

And he must protect him

The boy was the first person to see Hom

And he promises that he will be the last

We will keep his secret

Will you?

This is a wonderful adventure story

With echoes of Stig of the Dump, Robinson Crusoe and The Swiss Family Robinson

I LOVE The Swiss Family Robinson

Bea says that Hom also reminds her of the child in Wild

This is such a wonderful story

It has opened up a lot of discussions for us around

Acceptance, diversity, trust, kindness

Extinction and protection and preservation of species

This is, of course, what Jeanne Willis does best

Write what is on the surface a simple children’s story

That is actually made up of lots of complex layers

To get young readers and their grown ups thinking

About the world that we live in

The people and the wild things that we share our planet with

And how we should always act with kindness toward all living things

In this regard Hom reminds me of one of our favourite Jeanne Willis stories

The Bog Baby

This week as we have been reading the story of Hom

We have thought about what it would be like to be shipwrecked on a deserted island

We have thought about how it might feel to be the last of our kind

We have written messages in bottles to our lost families

We have drawn pictures of our families on cave walls

And we have designed go-carts using only things we would have been able to find

On Hom’s island

We have used our knowledge of the history of humans to consider

Whether Hom might be an early human or a never seen before creature of the wild

We have thought about what we would do if we were the boy

Was he right to hide from the sailors to save Hom?

When will the boy go home?

If he goes home at all

And what did the boy write in his message in the bottle?

Was it the words of this wonderful book?

And if so, was the little girl who found the bottle

Jeanne Willis, many years ago

Who is only now sharing the secret of him and Hom

The best of friends, the last of his kind

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