Book Review: Aunt Emilia’s House

Though it is rather chilly

The sun is shining

And my children are all in the garden

We have been enjoying some alfresco reading

And allowing ourselves to get a little excited

A LOT excited

About the fact that Aunties are allowed again!

My wee sis

The children’s Aunty Julie

Lives in Derbyshire

And thanks to Covid we have not seen her now for over 15 months

That is set to change next week

When we are going to meet mid way between our homes

For a walk and a picnic

And a cousin clan reunion

Our children all get on so well

And they have missed each other immensely

Aunty Julie and Uncle Hugh are always such good fun

They bring colour and smiles and playfulness

And we cannot wait to spend time with them again

In anticipation we have been delighting in the joys

Of Rebecca Cobb’s aunty like no other

Aunt Amelia

Have you met her?

You really should!

We were sent one copy of the book in exchange for an honest review

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