4 Books For Budding Linguaphiles

Today I am sharing four favourite books of mine and William’s

We are linguaphiles

We love learning about language and languages

We love collecting new words, interesting words and learning about their origins

We both enjoy learning other languages including German, Spanish and Latin

We love learning about word types like homophones and collective nouns

We like to have fun with words

We love word games such as Scrabble and solving anagrams

We love word play in jokes and riddles

Words are our bailiwick!

I am also a bibliophile so these four books are just perfect books

For me and my gorgeous son who shares my enthusiasm

William is also a blithesome blatherskite

Sharing his enjoyment with others through games and quizzes and excited conversations

William is also often guilty of circumlocution and I think perhaps that I am too

Our love of language, linguistics and word play can lead to us to being ebullient

When sharing our passion with others

If this post has so far left you flummoxed and you think it is filled with flapdoodles

Then you need to read the books we are sharing in this post

By reading these books you too can become grandiloquent

An Interesting Word For Every Day of the Year is a brilliant book

For helping children and their grown ups to learn a new word every day

The book is designed to help children build their vocabulary

Label their emotions and fire their imaginations

Each double page spread introduces 7 words and their meaning

The words have been carefully selected to be words that young children do not hear everyday

We love reading the new words, learning their meaning

Using them in our conversations through the week

And listening and looking out for them in the world around us

This is a fun richly illustrated book

That lives on the table where we eat and work so that we always have it to hand

The Dictionary of Difficult Words we discovered

At the start of the first lockdown and we used it to make some hilarious Zoom quizzes

For family and friends

We discovered the Edie was an abcderian and that mummy often feels ramfeezled

William and I are both sesquipedalian!

If like us you love words then you will love this book

We highly and heartily recommend The Dictionary of Difficult Words

We love choosing a new word and trying to say it as many times as possible

In natural conversation throughout a day

We have bought this as a gift for lots of people this year

It would be great for a classroom setting too

With over 400 words every page is packed with fun and information

We have learned SO much from this utterly brilliant book

Literally is a beautifully illustrated collection of 12 words

From the English language that have surprising stories

These are English words with global connections

Revealing the rich history and cultural diversity of our language

It is funny how the meaning of words can change over time

Every page is stunning and really interesting

This is a book we love to reread and again a book that makes a perfect present

The fourth book in our collection for word nerds is

The Word Collector

Do you have a favourite word or book about words?

We would love to know x

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