Work From Home For Less: How To Save Yourself Some Money

This is a collaborative post

Whether working from home is just a temporary solution, or your current employer has taken the decision to make home-working a permanent fixture, we’ve all had to adapt to the current climate incredibly quickly.

You may have noticed that the changes to your working conditions have saved you money each month. No more commute charges and extortionate rail fares, a reduction in fuel costs, the cost of lunch every day and even being persuaded into heading for drinks after work are all substantial costs that have been effectively wiped from your monthly budget. But that’s not to say working from home is cost-free.

If anything, home-workers are likely to see a rise in their utilities and other areas of their finances. Therefore, pinpointing these expenses and finding ways to reduce costs has never been more important.

Here we’ll explore how to work from home for less and save yourself some money whilst you’re doing so.

Reduce stationery costs
Of course, your employer should be subsidising any work-related costs, however, if you’re also using items such as your printer and associated inks for personal use and homeschooling the kids, then finding ink cartridges at a discount is essential to keep costs low and to keep your printer working. Click the link to find what you need. Having a steady supply of office stationery will also keep your productivity levels high, so speak with your boss about any associated expenses.

Only boil the kettle when you need to
We’ve all done it. Boiled the kettle to make a cup of tea, then forgotten all about it. Twenty minutes later, we boil it again…and then again. It’s a frustrating and incredibly expensive cycle that you need to get out of the habit of. Constantly boiling the kettle throughout the day can dramatically increase your electricity costs across the year. So, if you’re going to have a cup of tea – commit to it!

Natural light is king
Working in a room that’s flooded with natural light is not only good for your mood and mental health, but also for your budget. The more you rely on artificial light to illuminate your workspace, the higher your electricity bill.

Switch off your laptop!
Again, another everyday habit we need to shake off. When you finish your work for the day, you close those tabs and shut the lid of your laptop. It’s second nature. But leaving your laptop on overnight can cost you a substantial amount each year. Money which would be better off in your pocket.

And finally, make and freeze those lunches
You no longer have to pick up an expensive meal deal or pay high street prices for an expensive lunch-on-the-go anymore. But there are still savings to be had. By planning your lunches in advance and using ingredients you can purchase in bulk – such as rice, pasta, legumes etc – and then freezing your meals, you can save time, money and food waste.

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