Our Autumn Bucket List with Arla Goodness #ad

Hard to believe we are halfway through October

The warm sunshine of summer is long gone

And autumn is well underway

We love autumn in this house

It begins with mine and David’s wedding anniversary

Then our birthdays

We remember Esther and William leaving hospital

59 days after their premature birth

And we celebrate their second birthday

Their due date on the 20th October

At the beginning of November we hold a Harry Potter themed

Halloween and firework party

To celebrate all our special dates

And to remember our beautiful Baby Tilda

2nd November is her autumn day

Autumn is such a beautiful season

With so much inspiration for adventure and play

It is the beginning of a new academic year

For us a new chapter in our home education story

With the changing of the colours and the falling of the leaves

Comes a sense of starting over

Being thankful for all that has passed

And excited for what is to come

We have already enjoyed our first hot chocolates of the season

Made with all the extra goodness from Arla Goodness Milk

One of the most important food groups

For growing children

Is dairy

Dairy products provide the highest source of calcium

This is especially important for growing children

To support the maintenance of normal bones and teeth

Drinking Arla Goodness

Having it with your breakfast cereal

Using it in your family cooking

Making Yorkshire puddings and pancakes!

Is a great way to help children, and grown ups

Stay topped up with crucial nutrients like calcium

With 50% of an adult’s daily calcium intake in just one 250ml glass

30% more protein than semi-skimmed milk and just 1% fat

It’s a simple way to support the maintenance of normal bones and teeth

And is great for growing and active kids

Great for giving my wildlings a boost

To help them tick activities off their autumn to do list

While enjoying our hot chocolates

We have been busy making plans for the coming season

Punctuated with conkers and acorns

We are looking forward to busy days out

And cosy nights in by the fire

We have started making our autumn to do list

Our seasonal bucket list if you will

All the things we want to do together to make the most of the season

Our Autumn Wishes

Watch the sunset at Whitstable

Go on a bear hunt at Wildwood

See Stickman at the theatre

Retrace our steps at Bedgebury to find The Gruffalo … again

Go on a leaf hunt in our garden, our local area, in the woods

Go to the zoo

Build a great big sandcastle with a moat and watch the sea come in to fill it

Plan and host our Harry Potter Halloween and Firework Party

Visit Harry Potter Studio Tour

Toast marshmallows on the fire

Make tasty foods with our foraging finds

Make our own toffee apples / chocolate apples

Drink hot chocolate LOTS

Pick pumpkins

Have a pumpkin play day – how many ways can we play with a pumpkin?

Carve pumpkins

Pick apples and make apple juice

Rake up leaves and jump in them

Stuff a scarecrow

Read stories together round the fire

Search for signs of the season

Collect acorns and conkers

Autumn crafts

LOTS of autumn bookish play

Puddle jumping

Fly our kite

Play glow stick hide and seek

Go on a torch walk

Go stargazing

What I want more than anything for my children

Is for them to have a sense of adventure

I want them to be curious, to explore

I want them to be playful learners

I want them to learn through experiences

And I want much of our learning this autumn

To be done outdoors

One of the things I worry about as the seasons change

And new classes begin

Is keeping everyone fit and healthy

Making sure we are all filled up with the goodness that we need

Autumn food is great for packing with nutrients and vitamins

We have already made apple tarts and apple and blackberry crumble

And enjoyed eating them with custard

Made with all the goodness of Arla Goodness milk

Edie, age 2, still drinks a lot of milk

Now that we have introduced Arla Goodness to our home

The big kids are drinking more milk too

This is especially good for Esther who does not eat any cheese

So encouraging her to drink a glass of milk

Make a milk based smoothie

Or even a milkshake

These are all fun, quick and easy ways to top up the calcium levels

Amid a hectic family life

Filled with awe and wonder, adventure and Goodness

I have even started using the milk in my coffee!

If you would like to find out more about Arla Goodness

You can visit https://www.arlafoods.co.uk/brands/arla-goodness/ for more information

If you want to give it a try for yourselves then

Arla Goodness is available in selected Tesco and Sainsbury stores now

Go on and grab some Goodness this autumn

Savour the season

Find your own awe and wonder, adventure and Goodness

This is a sponsored post

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