Our house is filled to bursting with books
Books in buckets
Books in sling cases
Books in racks
Baskets of books
Books in special carry boxes
More books in baskets
Wicker and willow
Books in boxes
Boxes of books

Boxes of Books
Traditional book cases
Guarded by a massive penguin
Cabin bed book shelves
A secret door filled with books
Shelves and shelves of adult fiction

Just Some of Our Many Many Books!
Though these are currently packed up like this
Books are literally bursting out all over
And now that we have knocked all the walls down in our home
We need to find creative ways to store and display them
So that the children can access them and enjoy them
I have a thing for books
You may have guessed
I have topic boxes filled with books
A dinosaur box, minibeast box, fairies
I have books categorised by authors
Julia Donaldson, Oliver Jeffers, The Ahlbergs
And we have seasonal baskets too
We have thousands and thousands of wonderful books
And I want them to be
As they always have been
An integral part of our home
And so I am looking at ways to display our books
To share them with people
And to ensure that no book becomes lost or forgotten
Here are some of the ideas I have found
Wire baskets mounted on the wall
A wagon on wheels
Upcycle the railing from an old cot
A dolls house bookcase
Going to get something like this for Esther
When she moves into her own room
Later this year
Character storage cart on wheels
A library table
I would love a couple of these for our new classroom
Perfect for picture books
Formally known as gallery cases
Again perfect for letting children browse and choose their picture books
And turn it into a book caddy
A painted crate
Which storage system would you choose?
Do you already use any of these ideas?
I am going to try some of the freestanding ones
Like the dish rack and the wagon and the boat
I will let you know how we get along